January 19, 2009

Use of electronic games in schools highlighted at EMINENT Conference

How electronic games can be used in school to teach in innovative ways was the topic of a workshop at the EMINENT Conference on 4-5 December 2008. The initial findings of the Electronic Games in Schools study, conducted by European Schoolnet with the financial support of the International Software Federation of Europe (ISFE), was presented to participants at the workshop. EMINENT is European Schoolnet's annual networking event, bringing together more than 240 policy makers, industry representatives and education practitioners.

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Thematic dossier on 'Electronic Games in Schools' on Insight portal

The Insight portal - a major European hub for policy makers and ICT in education - has recently published a new thematic dossier on the topic of 'Electronic Games in Schools'. The dossier features a selection of research articles and interesting examples of how games can be used in innovative ways to enhance the teaching and learning process. The dossier is in progress as it is linked with the ongoing research efforts of European Schoolnet, as part of the 'Games in Schools' project financed by the International Software Federation of Europe. The dossier is available at the following link

Bookmark for teachers about 'Game in Schools' survey

As part of the Games in Schools project, European Schoolnet has published a bookmark - a handy tool for books' enthusiasts willing to participate in the ongoing survey about how educators use electronic games in teaching and learning. The bookmark, which reads "computer games are now part of everyday life for many children in Europe...some innovative teachers are using games in schools - but how", invites teachers to take part in the European-wide survey at games.eun.org. For more information about this please contact Caroline Kearney at European Schoolnet.


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