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Learn English with MovieStarPlanet

Pupils aged 10-15 can now experience a new, free, social virtual tool called MovieStar Planet to practice and improve their English skills by creating cartoons in a fun and innovative environment. This virtual world for students has been developed in collaboration with researchers from the Danish University of Education and a number of Danish primary school teachers. It has been financially supported by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and is part of the research and development project dedicated to games in education, entitled Serious Games on a Global Market Place (see post below for further information).

To start learning with MovieStarPlanet click here: http://www.moviestarplanet.com/noflash.html


Incorrect link: http://www.moviestarplanet.com/noflash.html - Should be just: http://www.moviestarplanet.com/ (it's asking for Flash Player installation even when Flash Player is installed.

Yes, I've just started to use it with some of my students who are in the whole reluctant to learn English and they seemed to have liked it. I'll keep on using it with them in the computer room and I'd like to find eTwinning partners to do a project on movies.

In addition to entries, we need some educators to help us select the best.

I Will test it , thanks!

Thanks for sharing ! good blog.

The English language is a bit of a shambles at the moment through text talk and IM. This is a good idea which should help the children.

I will use this website game to improve English with my daughter and ill comeback with feedback.
Thank you

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