Games for learning recommendations published
Clearer definitions and a taxonomy of games for learning, a central repository, integration into textbooks, evaluation, localisation, a team approach to development, professional support and bridging home and school - these are some of the fifteen recommmendations of the two-year IMAGINE project.
One of the key outputs of the two-year project, funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme, is a report and a set of recommendations to increase mainstreaming of games for learning in schools, vocational and adult education. The report outlines conclusions related to the use of digital games for learning, as they affect education policy-makers and decision-makers in school, vocational and adult education, presents the underlying evidence behind them and makes a series of recommendations arising from the conclusions and evidence.
In the IMAGINE project a round table and a series of sector-specific workshops took place bringing together key stakeholders to share and discuss the state of the art in games for learning and to formulate recommendations for future actions. The collated conclusions and recommendations were further presented and discussed at a meeting of European Schoolnet’s Policy and Innovation Committee in September 2010 and finally presented at the EMINENT conference in Copenhagen in November 2010.
There was a strong consensus that games have considerable potential for improving teaching and learning in Europe but there are some specific inhibitors. If games are to play a more central role 15 actions are needed:
1. Define the terms used in games for learning.
2. Develop a central repository of quality resources.
3. Vocational games should focus on outcomes and involve end users.
4. Include digital games in textbooks, the curriculum and assessment.
5. Make games eligible for funding in education system modernisation programmes.
6. Evaluate game-based learning practices and research the underlying cognitive processes.
7. Support the development of localised digital games.
8. Increase opportunities to bring together researchers, game developers, industry, education experts and learners.
9. Ensure that games are available for further development.
10. Provide professional support for practitioners using games.
11. Use the experience of the teachers working in this area.
12. Establish accredited courses for teachers.
13. Maintain funding streams for digital competence programmes and resources.
14. Link home and school learning through games.
15. Games developed for educational use should have PEGI ratings
You can react to the recommendations by completing the online survey.
For further information about the project and the recommendations, visit the IMAGINE site.